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Commonwealth of learning
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Skills for work

The Commonwealth of Learning(COL)’s Skills for Work initiative is aimed at closing the skills gap for in-demand and high-demand jobs in commonwealth nations.

Skills for Work takes a two-pronged approach:

  • Through hybrid models that apply open and distance learning techniques, it helps women, girls, youth, people with disabilities, entrepreneurs, and the unemployed at the community level to acquire relevant 21st Century, life and essential skills, and access in-country mentorship support.
  • Through varied partnership models, it enhances ODL capabilities of both TVET institutions and other non-governmental organisations involved in skill development to share and adapt open educational resources; develop capacity in blended teaching/learning practices; scale up outreach efforts; and, respond to the market needs.


Through COL-Skills for Work Scholarship, Commonwealth of Learning aims to support the efforts of Member States to disseminate skills required for decent employment and entrepreneurship and pave the way for skilling, reskilling, upskilling and lifelong learning.

Commonwealth of Learning(COL) has partnered with Grow with Google, Coursera and Udemy to offer the Skills for Work Scholarship which will enable Samoan youth and adults to access high quality skill development courses provided through world’s leading e-learning platforms, such as, Coursera and Udemy.  

COL will offer three different scholarships under the Skills for Work Program:

  • COL-Grow with Google Skills for Work Scholarship
  • COL-Coursera Skills for Work Scholarship
  • COL-Udemy Skills for Work Scholarship
In Samoa, the scholarship program is administered by National University of Samoa. 

Our Scholarships

Three Unique Scholarships

col - grow with google scholarship

Grow With Google Logo

This scholarship provides job-ready skills and in 5 specialized areas – IT Automation with Python, UX Design, Data Analytics, IT Support, IT Project Management- that can you put you at work and offers opportunities to connect with the world’s top companies through Google professional certificate.

Col - Udemy Scholarship

Udemy Logo

This scholarship provides job-ready skills and in 5 specialized areas – IT Automation with Python, UX Design, Data Analytics, IT Support, IT Project Management- that can you put you at work and offers opportunities to connect with the world’s top companies through Google professional certificate.

col - grow with google scholarship

Coursea Logo

This scholarship provides job-ready skills and in 5 specialized areas – IT Automation with Python, UX Design, Data Analytics, IT Support, IT Project Management- that can you put you at work and offers opportunities to connect with the world’s top companies through Google professional certificate.

Benefits of our scholarships

study online

Learn 24/7days. Anytime, Anywhere. At your own pace. Flexible schedule.

Free of cost

There is no registration and tuition fee. 100% free.

get certificate

Get a certificate upon completion of your study

Apply now

The  National University of Samoa invite eligible Samoan citizens to apply for Commonwealth of Learning – Skills for Work scholarship to acquire skills to gain employment, work, and livelihood. We invite all citizens to apply especially youth, adults, and person with disabilities. 

HELPDESK & Social Media Support

Personnel located in the National University of Samoa will offer help with choosing courses, and provide administrative, academic support, as well as mentorship and counseling.


Learning Partners
Local Partners

900 Scholarships for Samoa over 3 years


What our learners have to say?

“I have received certificates and now look forward to reaching out to my old employer and also to applying for new job opportunities, I have regained my lost confidence to resume my career afresh.”
Nahida Sultana from Bangladesh
Nahida Sultana
"Because of my day job it is not always easy to take a classroom-based course. I am very happy that now I can learn anytime and anywhere."
Lyla Nur Photo
Layla Nur Kaly Lita

News & Stories

Helping new mother from Bangladesh regain professional confidence
Helping new mother from Bangladesh regain professional confidence Photo
Nahid Sultana from Dhaka, Bangladesh had to leave her software development job at a private company to take care of her newborn baby two years ago. As a new mother, she had to spend most of her time at home, taking care of her child, and feared that she might never be able to restart her career, which had been her only source of income. Read More…
Layla Nur Kaly Lita from Chittagong can learn anytime and anywhere with the power of e-Learning

Video:”Because of my day job it is not always easy to take a classroom-based course. I am very happy that now I can learn anytime and anywhere.” 

Ministry of Commerce Press Note on Commonwealth of Learning Skills for Work Scholarship
Ministry of Commerce
The Ministry of Commerce and Better Future for Women in Bangladesh invite eligible Bangladeshi citizens to apply for Commonwealth of Learning (COL)’s Skills for Work scholarship. Read More…
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